America is great because she is ever more perfect

Originally Published on The Washington Examiner

For nearly a decade, Americans have been subjected to an intense propaganda campaign against their country. They have been bludgeoned with the message that America is an evil place — uniquely, irredeemably, and hopelessly racist. The propaganda suggests that not only is it necessary to abolish the Constitution and dismantle this nation's institutions but that even this would not be enough to make America a great or even a good country.

This nonsense crystallized with the seepage of anti-American ideology into the education system. Although there is finally pushback against the Left's use of Marxist-inspired critical race theory to poison young minds, the damage has been done. Fewer than ever before say they are extremely proud to be American, with the drop-off most acute among the youngest age demographics.

The truth is that Americans live in an exceptional country. Whereas human history is mostly a history of poverty and tyranny, this nation has risen above that and carried much of the world with it into a present of unprecedented prosperity and freedom…


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