Congressman Roy introduces legislation to keep critical race theory out of American schools

Originally Published As Press Release on Rep Roy’s Website

WASHINGTON — On Wednesday, Rep. Chip Roy (TX-21), along with 26 of his House colleagues, introduced legislation to prevent American taxpayer dollars from going to any school that promotes critical race theory (CRT).

The Combatting Racist Teaching in Schools (CRT) Act prohibits federal funds from going to any elementary, secondary school, or institution of higher education that promotes race-based ideologies.

“Critical Race Theory, like all its racist derivations, is a direct affront to our core values as Americans. No one in America — be they students, servicemen and women, government employees, or anyone — should be indoctrinated to hate our country, its founding, or our fellow citizens,” said Congressman Roy. “Worse yet is its pernicious demands to 'divvy us up by race' and perpetuate the lie that we should be treated differently by virtue of our skin color. There is no room for state-sanctioned racism anywhere in our society, and we must oppose it with all our might….


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Try This “Critical Race Theory” Checklist