OPINION: Critical-race-theory advocates are gaslighting Americans for power and profit

Originally Published on New York Post

America’s supposed racial divide has a class element that we are all supposed to ignore. But for the past two years, I couldn’t ignore the number of media outlets and supposed intellectuals who have discarded the legitimate concerns of the middle class because they, the elite, supposedly know what’s best for us and our children.

The anti-racism movement has come to Main Street, and no one asked for its arrival.

The average American isn’t very ideological because that is a luxury most Americans can’t afford when they’re trying to make ends meet and support their families, unlike the economic and intellectual elite. Men and women who have made their entire careers hypothesizing about the makeup of America never actually listen to Americans.

We recoil listening to their conception of American life for all races. Then the ideologues gaslight us, claiming we fight it because of our hatred of the truth rather than our disgust for radical elitists who find pleasure in telling us how to behave.

Anti-racists use race as a weapon for compliance and domination over the sensibilities of good people. Their intention is to hyper-racialize Americans by having you see all aspects of life through the prism of race — including education for your children. If you are white and choose to resist, you are labeled a white supremacist, and if you are black and resist, you are labeled a sympathetic character for a white-supremacist society. The only solution in their eyes is compliance, not dialogue.

When parents showed up to school-board meetings across the country because they don’t like this vision that has been imposed on their children, the anti-racists slandered them for resisting their new dogma. Critical race theory was also used to overshadow parental complaints about masking their children, inappropriate discussions of sex with their kids and gender ideology.

Take Ibram X. Kendi’s latest piece in The Atlantic, in which he claims the Republican Party is “the party of white supremacy.”

Understand, when anti-racists like Kendi write books and op-eds about their desire to deconstruct America’s white-supremacist social structures, they never discuss deconstructing the one social construct that allows racism to exist: race itself. It’s because “race” for them is a mechanism for power over guilt-riddled white Americans, control over the narrative and political leverage. In many ways, they’re our new cultural gatekeepers…


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