'Divisive concepts' school bill passes Georgia Senate a second time

Originally Published on 11 Live

ATLANTA — The state senate advanced a bill attacking Critical Race Theory in schools. It’s a concept not taught in Georgia public schools – but a concept getting a lot of election year attention from Georgia Republicans.

Critical Race Theory isn’t actually mentioned in the bill – but attacks on it from Fox News and other conservative media sites have fueled legislation like the bill that passed the Senate, for a second time, Friday.

The bill still needs House passage and the signature of Gov. Brian Kemp to become law.

The bill would make it state law to not go too far teaching children about America’s troubled racial history.

 "We can teach U.S. history – the good the bad and the ugly – without dividing children along racial lines," said state Sen. Butch Miller (R-Gainesville), the senate president pro tempore.

The bill makes it illegal to teach children that the state or nation are systemically racist.

The bill uses language like “divisive concepts” and “race or ethnic scapegoating” to curb the teaching of race relations -- and orders school boards to create a “complaint resolution policy” for parents if they don’t like what’s being taught….


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