Fighting the Spread of Critical Race Theory

Originally Published on the National Review

Critical race theory is the latest excuse for those who desire omnipotent government control of society. They used to rely on Marx’s ideas about class exploitation, and now they’ve chosen to rely on CRT, which substitutes race for class. Leftists are pushing its toxic ideas in education at all levels.

How do we combat it?

That’s the subject of Douglas Carswell’s Martin Center article today.

The author is a former member of Britain’s Parliament and is now the president of the Mississippi Center for Public Policy. His first move was to study the educational institutions in his state, and the evidence was clear–CRT was being taught. So, how best to fight this destructive idea? Carswell decided on state legislation. But, he adds, “we were acutely aware that those who believe in liberty should not be in the business of trying to ban things. Any legislation needs to be consistent with the principle of academic freedom.”

The bill he helped craft doesn’t outlaw anything except teaching that anyone is inferior on the basis of race. No more of that demonization of students because of “white privilege.”

Carswell hopes that his bill will advance through the state legislature and be signed into law.

But that’s not enough. He concludes, “Fundamentally, however, it is not enough to merely pass legislation if we are to tackle CRT. If good ideas are to drive out the bad, we need to advocate for what is good. That means teaching young Americans the truth about their nation. The United States, like all human creations, is imperfect. Yet the United States is also the greatest experiment in self-government that there has ever been…


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