How Left’s Obsession With Critical Race Theory Hurts Minority Students

Originally Published on The Daily Signal

The left makes a big deal about teaching race in America. From the 1619 Project to critical race theory, the left claims that America is irredeemably steeped in racism and that race should be the central focus of all aspects of American life.

Delano Squires, a homeschool father and scholar at the pro-America education group 1776 Unites, says that isn’t helpful. Hyperfocusing on race and racism sows division, and also foments hatred for America, he says.

“It doesn’t matter what country or what ethnicity, because I can’t think of any institution in which a person flourishes when they hate the institution,” Squires says. “I don’t know of anyone who hates their wife that would then say that they have a good marriage, or hates their job and then turns around and says, ‘Yeah, I want to work there for the next 40 years.'”

Squires joins “The Daily Signal Podcast” to discuss how race should be taught in our schools, and why the left’s brand of race-conscious education is a bad idea…


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