Indoctrinated America: How The Left Influences Education At Every Level

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While many Americans have discovered radical left-wing indoctrination throughout American schools, few are aware of the true extent of the issue. In fact, whether you are in a liberal area or a conservative area, there is just a select minority of schools that are spared from indoctrination efforts.

Higher education has been largely overtaken by liberal ideologies for decades. For example, Marxist views or theories that the majority of Americans would quickly reject are tested on college campuses, where not just knowledge but also acceptance of said beliefs is often a requirement for success in coursework. But the indoctrination of America extends well beyond simply the materials at college. College itself serves as the culmination of the extensive indoctrination process. It is the point where the most extreme of all left-wing theories can be openly injected into the minds of America’s college students with minimal resistance. This is because the indoctrination of future America occurs incrementally, with radicalization efforts gradually increasing each time students move up a grade level. Under these circumstances, students are unable to properly identify indoctrination attempts because they have become numb to them due to incremental exposure, similar to how a frog is unable to notice when it is being cooked if the water is heated gradually…


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