Is Critical Race Theory Being Taught in Our Schools? Here Are the Facts

Originally Published on The Daily Signal

Parents were horrified during the COVID-19 pandemic as they discovered how left-wing activist teachers were indoctrinating their kids in the classroom.

Critical race theory, a Marxism-based ideology, burst onto the scene in a big way. The left claims that what’s being taught in classrooms isn’t critical race theory. But is that true?

Jonathan Butcher, an education expert at The Heritage Foundation, says critical race theory isn’t just now showing up in classrooms. He contends it’s been there for decades.

“[In the] 1980s, 1990s, you’re having teachers become trained in the idea that America is systemically racist, that we should be teaching students not so much about what they share as Americans, but about their identities, the things that separate them and make them different from each other,” Butcher explained.

Butcher found the trend so troubling, he wrote a book, released April 19, “Splintered: Critical Race Theory and the Progressive War on Truth,” to help expose just how dangerous the ideology is.

He joins the show to talk about the book, reveal the truth about critical race theory in America’s schools, and prescribe some solutions to get it out of curriculums.

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  • Oklahoma Gov. Kevin Stitt signs a bill banning a “nonbinary” option on birth certificates in the state.

Listen to the podcast or read the lightly edited transcript below.


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