Leaked email shows Washington Examiner article caused California school district to cancel meeting about CRT

Originally Published on The Washington Examiner

The Poway Unified School District in California canceled a meeting about critical race theory after an article I wrote last month exposed the school's faculty was using the theory. In a leaked email shared with the Washington Examiner, Carol Osborne, the Poway Unified School District's associate superintendent, confirmed that the meeting was being scrapped. She highlighted my article as a reason why.

"The continued discussion has been misconstrued by many including the Washington Examiner article, we are canceling the meeting," Osborne wrote. "What started out as a simple question to understand terms used in the media has now been taken out of context."

Except nothing was taken out of context. The school gave a presentation about critical race theory. It didn't give a presentation about Thomas Sowell's The Vision of the Anointed or Shelby Steele’s White Guilt. It specifically chose the toxic, radical, left-wing critical race theory. Then, it denied ever using critical race theory. But, as I discovered in leaked emails from Shawntanet Jara, the district's director of equity and improvement, there was no truth to the denial…


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OPINION: Critical race theory is being injected into medicine and as a doctor it alarms me