Letter to the Editor: Many falsehoods found in debunked ‘1619 Project’

Originally Published on Santa Cruz Sentinel

A letter in Saturday’s Sentinel suggests that folks should read the 1619 Project. They should follow by reading critiques of that Project. Scholars and historians of all political bents and races have joined together to expose the many falsehoods contained in this collection of essays, originally published by the New York Times.

Readers can begin easily by Googling Wilfred Reilly, 1619. They can then check various books on Amazon that have been published in response to the 1619 Project.

What they will find is a stunning story that clearly demonstrates that the 1619 Project contains a multitude of inaccuracies. The most glaring is the premise of the Project — that the American Revolution was fought to protect slavery. Readers would be well advised to study both sides of this issue before embracing a position that has been debunked by many premier historians.

— Casey Tefertiller, Santa Cruz


The New York Times' journey from paper of record to home of the 1619 Project


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