OPINION: Taxpayer-funded critical race theory must come to an end - Republicans should answer the call

Originally Published on Fox News

By US Rep Dan Bishop (NC) and Terry Schilling

Taxpayers should not be forced to give their money to schools that teach students their country is fundamentally racist

America’s left-wing elites can’t stop talking about race, specifically critical race theory (CRT). But taxpayers should not be on the hook for subsidizing this ideology.

In recent years, CRT has infiltrated our culture, poisoning everything it touches and racializing every issue imaginable. Schools across the country have injected its tenets into the classroom, teaching children as young as age 3 to see themselves as oppressors or oppressed based on the color of their skin. Numerous major companies have forced their employees to undergo mandatory training sessions instructing them to treat their co-workers differently depending on race. And our media institutions, led by the New York Times, are actively rewriting our nation’s history, declaring, for example, that America’s most cherished principles are rooted in and inseparable from slavery and racism.

Naturally, these changes have proven very unpopular among Americans of all stripes who recognize CRT’s inherent divisiveness and bigotry. Nevertheless, even as the pushback has begun, our leaders are using Americans' own tax dollars to advance CRT even further. Its spread through the public schools is, of course, one of the most visible cases of this. But even more alarmingly, as Manhattan Institute fellow Christopher F. Rufo has documented, CRT is also being increasingly treated as dogma within the agencies of our government.

A developer of America's nuclear weapons technology, for example, recently held a race-segregated training session where the culture of White men was associated with "mass killings" and the KKK. At the end of the session, employees had to write letters to their non-White and female colleagues, presumably to apologize for their race. The Department of Homeland Security, in a different training, instructed employees that statements like "America is the land of opportunity" or "I believe the most qualified person should get the job" are racist. The Treasury Department ran a similar program and seems to have spent millions in public funds doing so….


LOOK: Students at Rocky Run Middle School, Virginia are asked to pledge support to BLM


WATCH: Kentucky Senate passes anti-critical race theory bill