The definitive proof critical race theory is being taught in our schools

Originally Published on

By: Ian Prior

The left wants to hide the fact that our schools have moved away from teaching basic math, science and reading to promoting critical race theory and the message that America is irredeemably racist.

The war against parental rights is happening at school districts in every corner of America. "Equity consultants" are making millions of dollars off the back of taxpayers to train teachers to view everything through the lens of critical race theory, and then transform education by applying those lessons through teaching children that America’s institutions, monuments, traditions, holidays, language, and foundational principles are systemically, irredeemably racist. 

America as we know it must be disrupted and dismantled for a more "just" society.

What woke Americans up was the transparency brought forth through the COVID pandemic lockdowns. For the first time, as their children participated in remote learning, many parents were able to look behind the curtain and see that schools were no longer focused on giving children the educational building blocks to succeed in the real world – math, science, reading, and writing. Rather, schools have embraced a new role of changing the belief system of children, regardless of what their parents want…


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