Opinion: The Left's Hatred of America

Originally Published on Townhall.com

By: Col Allen West

Back in 2012 at a town hall meeting, a woman asked me if I thought there were socialists in Congress. I replied by stating that there were some 75-80 socialist and communists in the US Congress. Well, that sent some folks into an apoplectic meltdown; however, it was the truth. At that time when one assessed the membership of the Congressional Progressive Caucus that assertion was pretty accurate. We must recognize that the reference "progressive" was just a slick renaming of European communists who sought to export their philosophy of governance, albeit a flawed one, to the United States.

Fast forward to today and there is no debate that progressives, socialists, Marxists, statists, and communists have but one goal in mind. It is the objective articulated by Barack Obama, America's first openly socialist president, in the final days of the 2008 election. He stated at a rally in Columbia, Missouri, "we are just five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America."

And now we clearly see what that transformation means--a redefining of the longest running Constitutional Republic that the world has ever known, borne out of a sheer, unequivocal, and maniacal hatred of this nation.

How else can one discern the abhorrent events of the past 16 months of the Biden administration, Obama's third term, and not recognize this?

Americans are worse off by every measure. The U.S. has gone from having a record strong economy where inflation was far below 2 percent to an anemic situation where inflation is well over 8 percent. And anyone of competence can realize that inflation is a hidden tax increase on all citizens, especially lower and middle-income levels. We have gone from being energy independent to once again begging OPEC nations to increase their oil production. Gasoline prices in America have reached epic highs, especially for diesel, which affects our ground transport systems in the supply chain. The left's war against American energy defies all imagination, until you realize that it is part of their hatred of America as they embrace the false god of green energy….


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