OPINION: Yes, Randi Weingarten, this is war — we parents are fighting for our kids

Originally Published on The New York Post

Parents across the country are fighting against critical race theory, gender ideology and generally inappropriate lesson plans all while the left denies any of this is being taught at all.

A few weeks ago, parents at the Glendale Unified School District in California confronted their school board after they learned that a third-grade teacher had shown their kids videos for Gay Pride Month that included discussions of nudity and sexual arousal.

One parent had learned about the lesson and pulled her child from the class. The teacher then reached out to her school administration to see about continuing her lesson plans for two more days, and it assured her that she could in defiance of parental wishes.

A parent group calling itself Gender and Our Children: La Canada, Glendale, Burbank +, or Gender LCGB, has organized to fight what’s happening at GUSD as well as neighboring school districts. To make matters worse, Gender LCGB notes, California does not allow opting out from this type of lesson.

Some more vocal campaigners against CRT in schools have begun to use the word “grooming” for this push, which has been seized on by the left as a way of reducing — and diverting — the argument to semantics.

But even if it does not justify the use of the word grooming — given its pedophilic connotations — what we and our children are seeing is indoctrination.

Liberals and their media assistants spent much of 2021 arguing that CRT isn’t taught in schools.

In remarks to the American Federation of Teachers TEACH Conference in July, AFT chief Randi Weingarten said, “Let’s be clear: Critical race theory is not taught in elementary schools or high schools. It’s a method of examination taught in law school and college that helps analyze whether systemic racism exists — and, in particular, whether it has an effect on law and public policy,”

She was clear…ly lying


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