At least 39 of America's 50 most prestigious medical schools, including USC and Brown, exposed for having mandatory Critical Race Theory training in their curriculums

Originally Published on The Daily Mail

  • At least 39 of America's top 50 medical schools have some form of Critical Race Theory in their curriculums, according to new data compiled by

  • The website found that of those 50 medical schools, at least 28 of them also had mandatory Critical Race Theory-based trainings for faculty and staff

  • is a part of the free speech-dedicated non-profit website, Legal Insurrection, which is founded by Cornell Law professor William Jacobson

  • The release of the study comes as the debate around the place of Critical Race Theory in American classrooms continues to rage across the country

At least 39 of the nation's top 50 medical schools have some form of Critical Race Theory in their curriculums, according to the website

Some of the schools listed in the study include Harvard Medical School, Stanford University School of Medicine, University of Virginia Medical School, and The Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University.

Of those same 50 medical schools, the website found that at least 28 have mandatory trainings for faculty and staff related to CRT…


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