California’s Reparations ‘Task Force’ Cites Three Prominent Critical Race Theorists Dozens Of Times

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A report from California’s reparations “task force” published Wednesday cites critical race theorists Ibram Kendi, Ta-Nehisi Coates and Derrick Bell a total of 47 times, a review by The Daily Caller News Foundation found.

At 500 pages, the report, approved by Democratic California Gov. Gavin Newsom, examines “the compounding harms that the United States and Californian governments have inflicted upon African Americans,” according to a press release. The word “equity,” which means equality of outcome and is frequently invoked by proponents of Critical Race Theory (CRT), appears 70 times.

“So thoroughly have the effects of slavery infected every aspect of American society over the last 400 years, that it is nearly impossible to identify every ‘badge and incident of slavery,’ to include every piece of evidence, or describe every harm done to African Americans,” the report states, further explaining that it analyzes “12 specific areas of systemic discrimination.”


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