Documents Reveal West Point Cadets Being Taught Critical Race Theory

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Documents obtained via the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)  by conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch show that the Army’s United States Military Academy (West Point) has been teaching cadets critical race theory (CRT).

The documents, first reported by Fox News, were obtained after suing the Department of Defense twice for documents related to the instruction of cadets at West Point.

“Our military is under attack – from within,” Judicial Watch president Tom Fitton said in the press release. “These documents show racist, anti-American CRT propaganda is being used to try to radicalize our rising generation of Army leadership at West Point.”

They contain slides on CRT, which teach cadets that “whiteness” is a privilege one has to “address” in order to understand racial inequality and slavery.

The slide said:

In order to understand racial inequality and slavery, it is first necessary to address whiteness

“White people and people of color live racially different structured lives” – Frankenberg

1) Is a location of structural advantage, of race privilege.2) A standpoint or place from which white people look at themselves and the rest of society3) Refers to a set of cultural practices that are usually unmarked and unnamed:

Take-for-grantedness of whiteness

Privilege lives within this.

Another slide…


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